SBCC once again rated #1 community college in the nation

SANTA BARBARA — Students looking to stay on track with their education during this time of sheltering in place need look no further than Santa Barbara City College. According to a recent ranking by Value Colleges, SBCC has once again been named the #1 community college in the nation. In recent years, SBCC has significantly expanded its online programs and offers more than two dozen fully online degree and certificate programs in areas ranging from business and marketing to information management and medical coding.
According to Value Colleges, SBCC’s top rating is due in part to its dedication to “building the region’s workforce in services, technology, education, and government. SBCC is especially renowned for their impact on minority and low-income students, providing students from disadvantaged communities with the opportunity to move forward in careers as diverse as music, medicine, and engineering.”
The Value Colleges ranking is based on four factors: annual cost, return on investment (from PayScale graduate salary rates), reputation and the number of fully online programs offered. Their goal is to find institutions that combine affordability and quality so that graduates can be assured that their hard work and hard-earned money aren’t wasted.
Value Colleges is not the only organization to recognize SBCC for 2020. College Consensus also named SBCC among the best community colleges in the United States, saying, “If you are looking to take a community college course online, this institution fits the bill. They have a variety of online learning opportunities for their students, that extend throughout their academic offerings.” 
For students who are looking for educational quality and a rewarding income, perhaps Value Colleges sums it up the best: “Santa Barbara City College is a flawless investment.”