County of Ventura COVID-19 update for March 29

VENTURA COUNTY — Good Afternoon, There are now 109 cases of COVID-19 in Ventura County. There have been a total of 4 deaths: 3 people in their 70s and 1 person in their 80s. 26 people have been hospitalized.

Question of the day: I am pregnant and worried that my partner will not be allowed to be at the delivery. Are partners allowed in the hospital for births during this time? “The Ventura County Medical Center and Santa Paula Hospital have no plans to restrict partners from being present for delivery. This is happening in other states that are severely impacted by COVID-19,” said Doctor Minako Watabe, Associate Chief Medical Officer VCMC and SPH and Associate Director Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology. “The County of Ventura Medical Providers hope to keep parents together during this special time,” she added. The County of Ventura has a 1 support person policy at County hospitals. A partner is welcome for the big day. Read more about labor and delivery during COVID-19 at

Santa Paula Hospital now offers a full-scope midwifery service offering both outpatient and inpatient care. To learn more email Follow on FB @SantaPaulaMidwives.



Ages of Confirmed Cases: #
Age 0-17 1
Age 18-24 8
Age 25-44 23
Age 45-64 46
Age 65+ 31
Unknown 0
Total 109
City/Unincorporated Area # City #
Camarillo 19 Camarillo 19
Lake Sherwood 2 Moorpark 7
Moorpark 7 Ojai 2
Oak Park 6 Oxnard 15
Oak View 1 Port Hueneme 2
Ojai 2 Santa Paula 2
Oxnard 15 Simi Valley 20
Port Hueneme 2 Thousand Oaks 15
Santa Paula 2 Ventura 11
Simi Valley 20 Unincorporated Area 16
Somis 1 Total 109
Thousand Oaks 15
Ventura 11
Westlake Village 6
Total 109