OXNARD — The 27th Annual Oxnard Salsa Festival, slated for July 25 and 26 in Plaza Park in Downtown Oxnard, has been cancelled due to the coronavirus crisis. The festival will not be rescheduled for 2020.
“We know cancelling the event will disappoint many in the community who have made the Oxnard Salsa Festival a family tradition,” said Gary Blum of the Oxnard Downtowners, which puts on the festival each year. “We’ve been closely following Ventura County Public Health and CDC directives. Our decision was based on protecting the well-being of our festivalgoers, vendors, exhibitors and staff.” Although at the time of this announcement, the festival may seem far out in the future, Blum acknowledged that “the financial impact of moving forward with investments like buying supplies and renting equipment, only to have the festival canceled later, would present a financial hardship for both our vendors and our nonprofit partners, as well as the Oxnard Downtowners.”
The Oxnard Salsa Festival began in 1993 to celebrate all things salsa: the food, the music, and the dance. The free, two-day event attracts more than 35,000 people. “We hope everyone stays safe and healthy during these difficult times,” said Blum. “We look forward to welcoming salsa fans to a successful festival next July 24-25, 2021.”