The Marjorie Luke Theatre — Looking to The Future The Marjorie Luke Sustainability Fund

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Looking to The Future 
The Marjorie Luke Sustainability Fund

The staff and board of directors of The Marjorie Luke Theatre are proud stewards of this beautiful, state-of-the-art, Spanish Revival Colonial designed theatre venue. With important partnership with the Santa Barbara Unified School District, we have overseen the design, renovation and upkeep of this 1933 vintage performing arts center since its inception as a shared community/school use venue in 2003.

Keeping an 87 year-old theatre in top operating shape is a challenge. We had the foresight and the generosity of an anonymous donor to create the Sustainability Fund in 2008 to insure the future of The Luke was going to be secure and strong. The Sustainability Fund exists to support the ongoing physical needs that arise to keep an older theatre in tip-top shape and technologically up to date. Thus things like LED lighting, sound and video equipment, curtains and accessibility equipment need regular updating and often are not in the budget to accomplish. As we grow and evolve as “The People’s Theatre” so does our staff and the services we offer to the community. This takes extra funding, which we can turn to this Fund to provide. It is an insurance policy for the future.

This past Fall, we were most fortunate to receive a $50,000 gift from the Manitou Fund to help build the Sustainability Fund. Manitou Fund also granted us funds to install a new Assistive Listening Loop System and new carpet, as we reported in our last newsletter. We are deeply grateful for the tremendous support of Nora & Michael Hurley and Manitou Fund. They believe in sustaining arts organizations and increasing accessibility to people with hearing loss.

The Luke Theatre Sustainability Fund balance is currently at $353,365, thanks to donors in the last year helping build this total closer to our goal of $500,000 by the end of 2020. We are most grateful to Lady Leslie Ridley-Tree, The Kirby-Jones Foundation and Rod Lathim and the Access Theatre Endowment Fund for their generous gifts to The Fund. Below is a list of people who have contributed specifically to this Fund. Please consider joining these wonderful Luke Theatre Donors so we can reach our goal in 2020!

Recent Sustainability Fund Donors:

Nora & Michael Hurley
The Manitou Fund
Leslie Ridley-Tree
Lillian Lovelace
Rod Lathim
Kirby Jones Foundation
Kim & Bill Lippincott
Donald & Marina Ziemer
Aline Fausett
Michael & Marni Cooney
Hannah Beth Jackson & George Eskin
Ann Dusenberry & Brad Fiedel
Gary Simpson
Michael Reichert & Margaret Nielsen
Lois Capps
Margaret & Joe Connell
Marty & Joe Blum
Gerardo Ayala
Jean Cross & Mike Kimball
Manuel Garcia
Mr. & Mrs. Lynne Cummings
Mrs. Ellen Anderson
Pam & Phillip McLendon
Ty Granaroli & Gabrielle Brown
Carroll & Susanne Barrymore
Click Here to Donate to the Sustainability Fund Now!
Congratulations to Vida McIsaac on winning the $250.00 gift card to Paradise Cafe, and two tickets to the upcoming Mind, Body, & Soul Event featuring Noah benShea. You too can enter to win our next drawing for a $250.00 gift card to Santa Barbara’s new Oku Restaurant. Please participate in our Audience Survey next time you’re at the theatre for a chance to win!
Upcoming Events
An Evening with Noah benShea
and Jacob the Baker
Tuesday, February 11th  7:30pm

Noah benShea, in the voice of his famed character Jacob The Baker, will open your mind, warm your heart and answer your questions about Love, Life, and Prayer. For more info and tickets please visit or call 1-800-838-3006.

Noah benShea is one of North America’s most respected and beloved poet philosophers. He is an international best selling author of 28 books translated into 18 languages. His JACOB THE BAKER series of books: JACOB THE BAKER, JACOB’S JOURNEY, JACOB’S LADDER, WE ARE ALL JACOB’S CHILDREN – are embraced by millions around the world. He has been a syndicated column contributor to NY Times Regional newspapers and nominated for The Pulitzer Prize.

Click Here to Buy Tickets!
Watch a quick inspirational quote by Noah benShea!
See him in Santa Barbara at the Luke Theatre,  February 11th at 7:30pm!
Visions of Hope
Sunday, February 16th  3:30pm
Visions of Hope presents this FREEcelebration of a century of Black History, life and culture. For additional information please visit or call Visions of Hope President, Candice Pipersburg-Johnson at 805-331-3730. The National theme this year is African Americans & The Vote. The Gospel music will bring you to your feet and the spiritual message will give you a vision of hope!
How Your Aura Colors Affect Relationships
Tuesday, February 18th  7:00pm
The Marjorie Luke Theatre proudly presents internationally renowned Aura Expert Pamala Oslie returning to the Mind, Body & Soul Series for an encore, powerful presentation, this time sharing how our aura colors interact in relationships – romantic, family dynamics, and with co-workers. What makes us compatible with others; what challenges will we have in creating successful relationships? How can we find the love of our life? How can we better understand our family members? All of this will be explored as Pamala demonstrates, with audience participation, her profound insight and ability to read and explain your colors and those of your family and friends. So be sure to bring them with you to this fun, fascinating interactive evening! This information can change your life forever. For tickets please visit or call 1-800-838-3006.
Click Here to Buy Tickets!
Wednesday, February 19th 7:00pm
Ballet Nepantla presents this vivid collection of stories that speak to the strength and resilience of women during Revolutionary Mexico. This FREE event sponsored by the Luis Leal Chair in Chicana and Chicano Studies, UCSB. For more info please visit or call 956-467-3445. By fusing contemporary ballet with traditional Mexican folklorico, “Valentina” tells stories of wealth and power, hope and despair, struggle and loss, and triumph!
Los Utrera
Sunday, February 23rd 7:00pm
The Marjorie Luke Theatre & UCSB Arts & Lectures proudly present Los Utrera in the ’19-’20 season of Viva El Arte program! Son Jarocho came about through the meeting of three worlds – Spanish, African and Indigenous – and along with the Fandango it is an important part of the popular culture in both rural communities and the cities of the Sotavento region of the state of Veracruz. Los Utrera was founded in 1992 around the Son Jarocho traditions of the musical family of patriarch Esteban Utrera. The group uses various forms of guitars including guitarra de son, jarana, and jarana barroca, along with quijada (donkey jaw), zapateado (foot percussion) and violin.
Copyright © 2020 The Marjorie Luke Theatre, All rights reserved.