PV FFA Citrus Team Wins State Title

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SANTA MARIA — The Pioneer Valley High School FFA Citrus Judging Team turned lemons into lemonade last weekend, winning the state title in a FFA contest in Fresno.

Team members included Miguel Perez (2nd high individual), Paola Zarate (3rd High individual), Moises Novoa, and Marina Cuevas. In the novice contest, a team was the 2nd high team in the state. Members included Elizabeth Pantoja (2nd high individual), Jasmin Olivera (5th high individual), Cristhy Olivera, Angela Ruiz, and Veronica Ramirez.

The Citrus Contest seeks to effectively prepare students for the expectations of the citrus industry. Students seeking careers in the citrus industry must develop a high degree of knowledge and skill in industry standards as well as critical thinking, oral communication, and plant biology, according to FFA Advisor and Teacher Hector Guerra. The knowledge gained from this contest can also be applied to general fruit production.

There are eight classes in the contest and oral reasons were given for three, Guerra said. The contest involved varieties of fruit, citrus diseases, defects, insects and general citrus quality through natural and mechanical damage, Guerra added.