Jan. 27 — Ventura County Potters’ Guild to present Sculptured Porcelain and Slip Casting with Shelley Rogers Johnson and John Truer

VENTURA — The Ventura County Potters’ Guild is pleased to welcome Shelley Rogers Johnson and John Truer. Sculptured porcelain requires a multi step/multi skill process to bring an idea into fruition. Shelley Rogers Johnson and John Truer will take you through this process both with slides and demonstration.

Doors will open at 7 p.m., with the program at 7:30 p.m. Monday, Jan. 27 at the Ventura Avenue Adult Center, 550 N. Ventura Avenue, Ventura.

Shelley will discuss sculpture principles and sequence. John will describe his process in mold making for porcelain slip casting. Both will inform the audience in ceramic principals of assembly hand building, firing, glazing and over glazing. John and Shelley have been collaborating since 2013.

Shelley has been studying  porcelain art since 2003 and works to realize the full potential of the hand, eye and heart through the creation of beautiful objects. Recently she’s been teaching at the California Sculptors Symposium and also serves on its Board. Shelley has an art studio called Handworks that is located in Ventura. Services are available to the public .

The community is welcome to all VCPG talks and demonstrations.