Museum of Ventura County — We need your help

Dear MVC Supporter,
By making a gift to the Museum of Ventura County…
YOU protect our history.
  • Without our collections and archives, the history of Ventura County and the stories of local cultures are incomplete.
YOU inspire vibrant community.
  • MVC connects and entertains.
YOU teach future generations to remember.
  • MVC as a hub for arts, culture, education, and entertainment, is the very definition of community.
YOU support community relevant exhibits, evolving educational programs, and vital maintenance of the archives and collection.
  • More than half of the funds needed to operate the Museum come from individual donors just like you.
When you experience exciting things at the Museum, they resonate with you. And when something resonates with you, you pass it on. It’s contagious. Without MVC as a catalyst for inspiration, Ventura County suffers. We’re all better with what the Museum offers – entertainment, art, education, programs, lectures, events, films, and music. Visitors from around the county (and beyond) are coming here for connection and entertainment.
We can’t do this work without YOU. MVC operates the branch in downtown Ventura, and the Agriculture Museum in Santa Paula and satellite exhibits throughout the County.
Please give generously.
Thank you for all that you do.