Music students from Santa Maria, Righetti and Pioneer High Schools recent participate in masterclass/concert that featured Cuban musician and composer Dayramir Gonzalez

Courtesy photos.

SANTA MARIA — Music students from Santa Maria, Righetti and Pioneer High Schools are making sure the beat goes on and on and on.

They recently participated in a masterclass/concert that featured Cuban musician and composer Dayramir Gonzalez accompanied by his bandmates Dean Torrey, Juan Chiavassa, and Christian Moraga. The event was held at the Ethel Pope Auditorium and was sponsored by the Santa Barbara Bowl Foundation.

The masterclass featured a small combo from the Heaven Central Jazz Band (Saint school jazz band) that performed two songs for Gonzalez. Afterward, Gonzalez worked on their tone, breathing, articulation, time feel, phrasing, and the communication between each other. Bandmates pitched in by helping students that played the same instrument as them (the bassist and drummer). The musical guests then worked with the entire group of students on clapping different rhythms and singing different pitches against but also with each other to create their own music.

“Being able to give the students this once in a lifetime opportunity was beneficial to all the students,’’ said SMHS Band Director/AVID Teacher Samantha Quart. “Whether they participated in the performance or were singing and clapping, they were all learning from professional musicians. Many of the students were dancing and moving to the music while being astounding at what they were hearing. The uniqueness of the music was incredible to hear live and by the composer himself.”

Five Saints said they had high praises for the program.

Lillianna Soto, junior trumpet player from Santa Maria High said, “This was an amazing experience, besides from learning new playing skills, I learned how to overcome my anxiety better on the stage.”

Alejandro Gutierrez, junior saxophone player from Santa Maria High said, “It was a good experience playing with four talented musicians and I definitely gained a new way of learning how to play and how to articulate the music through my alto sax.”

Eliot Baez, junior trombone player from Santa Maria High said, “I loved the experience they gave us. It’s always a huge pleasure to get to work one-on-one with extremely skilled musicians; it strengthens my will to continue music in my future.”

Elijah Villanueva, junior drummer from Santa Maria High said, “This experience has been very beneficial for me as a music student for I get the opportunity to learn from professionals. I learned about the importance of style and how the way I play affects the band and the piece itself. I learned about my strength and weakness via feedback from the drummer. Overall, I am very thankful I got to have this opportunity and grow.”

Yazmin Santiago Hernandez, junior bass player from Santa Maria High said, – “This experience has really been helpful because I was able to see where I need to improve on and get help one on one with a professional bass player.”