Oct. 29 — Back In School Reengagement Day for teens not in school

October is Dropout Prevention Month, so join us to celebrate high school students who have decided to reengage in their education from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 29 at Vista Real Charter High School,4001 Mission Oaks Blvd. Ste. E,Camarillo.

We will have free food, refreshments and information about community resources available to students.

There are nearly 600,000 dropouts in California. When dropouts and at-risk students are ready to reengage, high school should be ready to invite them in.

We enroll students all year long and provide them with personalized learning, one-on-one attention, flexibility and job skills training. Our extended hours each day means students have more time to meet with their teachers, receive free tutoring or work on assignments.

A reengaged dropout also helps the community. A dropout saved means they’re less likely to commit a crime, live in poverty and be a drain on public services.