Tri-County Energy Network hosts regional building industry forum

Brian Selby speaks to attendees about changes in the Title 24 Codes Cycle. (Photo by event staff)

SAN LUIS OBISPO — The Tri-County Regional Energy Network (3C-REN) comprised of Ventura, Santa Barbara, and San Luis Obispo Counties held its first Regional Forum in collaboration with the City of San Luis Obispo and the SLO Climate Coalition on Aug. 22. The Regional Forum featured a panel of subject-matter experts that helped explain significant changes to California energy codes to advance compliance with the State’s building standards.

The more than 100 participants at the sell-out event learned from panelists, networked, and exchanged ideas during breakout sessions about recent trends and pathways for building electrification. The event provided attendees the opportunity to learn how various industry leaders are preparing for the changes ahead. The group also provided comments on how 3C-REN could further aid the region.

Panelists share perspectives on code cycle opportunities and balancing building performance with project costs. (Photo by event staff)

Brian Selby, who is well known in the industry for developing and delivering energy code training, presented at the 3C-REN Regional Forum. Selby focused on clarifying common misconceptions, discussed the rationale for the new Title 24 Energy Code changes, and shared what building industry professionals can expect in future code cycle changes.

“The 3C-REN has hit the mark. Bringing trainings to our area and engaging building industry professionals helps further our local workforce that can implement projects and meet state mandates. Our workforce can do this work. 3C-REN trainings can help better prepare the workforce to more effectively meet local energy efficiency needs,”said Anthony Mireles, Business Manager for LiUNA Local 585.

Moderated by Mindy Craig, Principal at BluePoint Planning, the full list of Panelists included:

  • Brian Selby, Principal, Selby Energy, Inc.
  • Lindy Hatcher, Executive Director, Home Builders Association of the Central Coast
  • Paul Poirier, Past President, American Institute of Architects Santa Barbara
  • Bronwyn Barry, Board Chair, North American Passive House Network
  • Russ King, Board Vice-Chair, California Association of Building Energy Consultants
  • Andrew Stuffler, Chief Building Official, City of Santa Barbara.

3C-REN has several upcoming workshops and training opportunities being offered in 2019. Email if you would like to be added to our list serve.

To learn about programs and events, visit:

About the Tri-County Regional Energy Network (3C-REN): 3C-REN is a ratepayer-funded collaboration among the counties of Ventura, Santa Barbara, and San Luis Obispo formed to help meet local climate action goals and support residents in reducing energy use through home energy efficiency improvements as well as support local building professionals by offering resources and trainings to increase energy code compliance and home performance practices. 3C-REN is one of the state’s three regional local government program administrators approved by the California Public Utilities Commission.