Feb. 21, 22, 23 — ¡Viva el Arte de Santa Barbara!’ presents Los Utrera – Son Jarocho from Veracruz, Mexico

Courtesy photo.

SANTA BARBARA¡Viva el Arte de Santa Barbara!’ will present Los Utrera – Son Jarocho from Veracruz, Mexico.

Son Jarocho came about through the meeting of three worlds – Spanish, African and Indigenous – and along with the Fandango it is an important part of the popular culture in both rural communities and the cities of the Sotavento region of the state of Veracruz.

Los Utrera was founded in 1992 around the Son Jarocho traditions of the musical family of patriarch Esteban Utrera. The group uses various forms of guitars including guitarra de son, jarana, and jarana barroca, along with quijada (donkey jaw), zapateado (foot percussion) and violin.


  • Friday, February 21 / 7 pm / Isla Vista School
  • Saturday, February 22 / 7 pm / Guadalupe City Hall
  • Sunday, February 23 / 7 pm / The Marjorie Luke Theatre, Santa Barbara Jr. High