EF Educational Homestay Programs: 25 More Beds Needed for Summer Program

VENTURA COUNTYEF Educational Homestay Programs announced that 25 More Beds Needed for Summer Program. Volunteer families are asked to host international exchange students, ages 13-17, who are scheduled to arrive in the U.S. in June for a two-four week program. Little kids, big kids, no kids…our host families come in all shapes and sizes with or without children. Host families are asked to provide the student with room and board, transportation to and from the school site, as well as a loving family environment. Students are fully insured, proficient in English and come with their own spending money to cover personal expenses.

This is a wonderful opportunity for you and your family to learn about other countries and cultures without ever leaving your home. When you volunteer to host an international exchange student, your world comes alive for a young person from another country. By opening your door, you open a student’s eyes to the real America: real people, real experiences, and real life. At the same time, your generosity of spirit creates a positive view of the United States that crosses oceans—and lasts a lifetime.

What You Offer: You! Wonder if you have what it takes? All you need to do is be yourself. Time and again, our exchange students tell us that what they remember most are the little things. Family dinners, weekend outings, even nights around the television become special as you watch an international student absorb American culture moment-by-moment. Just by opening your home, you have the power to make everyday extraordinary for you, your family, and a student from abroad.  To host your own student contact 805.766.0861 or heatherbehrens@efehp.org.