April 7 — Educational Workshop Offers Strategies to Increase Youth Resiliency to be held in Santa Barbara

Free, Interactive Forum is Sunday, April 7 at Deckers Rotunda. Spanish interpretation will be provided.

SANTA BARBARA COUNTY — How do we offer our children guidance and support without rescuing them from the discomfort that naturally comes with healthy challenges and growth? Parents of youth ages 5-25, teens, educators, and professional are invited to a FREE workshop on April 7 from 3:00 to 5:15 p.m. at Deckers Rotunda in Goleta, where they will learn simple strategies for supporting kids in becoming capable and resilient adults. Interested participants are encouraged to register in advance at BeTheDifferenceSB.org.

The interactive workshop sponsored by Deckers Brands will feature speaker, Dave Mochel, and moderator Rachael Steidl. Attendees will explore simple practices for being more present and understanding. The workshop will also discuss the separation between normal distress and disappointment and depression and anxiety that require professional intervention.

Dave Mochel has been dedicated to the foundations of wellbeing, healthy communities, and leadership for over 30 years. The founder of Applied Attention, Dave has a Master’s degree in Humanistic and Multicultural Education from SUNY New Paltz and completed his clinical internship in Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) at the University of Massachusetts Medical Center.

The Youthwell Coalition, Family Service Agency, and Mental Wellness Center joined forces to provide these free educational workshops throughout Santa Barbara County as part of a three-year Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) grant for mental health awareness training to teachers, parents, mental health professionals, and community members. The grant also includes funding for crisis intervention training for Santa Barbara County sheriffs and Youth Mental Health First Aid trainings.

About the Youthwell Coalition: YouthWell is focused on improving prevention, education, and early intervention outreach in Santa Barbara County, in order to connect youth, ages 12-25, and their families to mental health supports before the crisis. Youthwell is committed to mobilizing community stakeholders, service providers, schools, and caregivers, in order to create a coordinated and comprehensive care response system. Visit youthwell.org for more information.

 About Family Service Agency of Santa Barbara County: The mission of Family Service Agency (FSA) is to strengthen and advocate for families and individuals of all ages and diversities, helping to create and preserve a healthy community. FSA improves the health and well-being of our community’s most vulnerable children, families and seniors by ensuring access to food, shelter and other basic needs, as well as providing youth mentoring, case management, substance abuse treatment, advocacy, and a wide-array of mental health programs. For more information, visit www.fsacares.org.

About Mental Wellness Center: The Mental Wellness Center (MWC) is the non-profit organization that recognizes mental illness is a community matter affecting us all. Providing education and support, MWC is dedicated to meeting the immediate and future needs of our Youth, Adults, Families, and the greater Community. Visit mentalwellnesscenter.org for more information.