Ventura County Medical Resource Foundation is now accepting nominations for the 26th Annual David Fainer/Leo Tauber, MD Awards. The nomination deadline is Feb. 15

VENTURAVentura County Medical Resource Foundation is now accepting nominations for the 26th Annual David Fainer/Leo Tauber, MD Awards, to be held Aug. 8, 2019.

The deadline for nominations is Feb. 15.

These awards recognize outstanding community contributions by those directly involved in the delivery of health care in Ventura County who, through professional, charitable and public service activities, have demonstrated they exemplify Dr. David Fainer and Dr. Leo Tauber’s ideals of generosity, excellence and integrity. The Selection Committee will consider the nominee’s community involvement, leadership, dedication, and the significance of his or her activities to the community.

The list of past award recipients can be found on VCMRF’s website at

Click here for the nomination form.