After 16 years RISE retires Walk a Mile in Her Shoes event

Mark your calendars for ‘RISE Up & Rock’!

SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY — For sixteen years RISE has hosted Walk a Mile in Her Shoes, an event aimed at raising awareness about sexual violence and empowering SLO County to take action. Walk a Mile in Her Shoes, a national franchise, is notable for encouraging community members, male and female alike, to don high heeled shoes and walk a mile throughout town – an act of solidarity with survivors of sexual assault and a conversation starter about the difficult topic.

After extensive discussion, market research, and feedback from RISE staff, board members, and community supporters alike, RISE has decided to retire the Walk a Mile in Her Shoes event.  This decision was made in an effort to address some of the problematic messaging of Walk a Mile as well as a pattern of declining revenue and attendance.

“RISE’s goal is to create an inclusive, empowering event that speaks to the experiences of all survivors and we weren’t meeting that goal with Walk a Mile” said Jennifer Adams, RISE Executive Director. “However, we are incredibly grateful for those who have attended, donated, and supported survivors through Walk a Mile over the years. We hope to carry forward the progress, momentum, and support established by Walk a Mile, while continuing to empower allies, raise awareness, and bring together SLO County to support survivors.”

In April, Sexual Assault Awareness Month, RISE will be hosting RISE Up & Rock, a benefit concert featuring an awareness gallery, celebrity rockers, food, drinks, and fun for the whole family! RISE Up & Rock will take place on April 27 at the SLO Brew Rock in San Luis Obispo. More details about the event will be released in upcoming weeks.

For over 40 years, RISE has provided services for survivors of sexual assault/abuse and intimate partnerviolence and their loved ones in San Luis Obispo County, offering free and confidential services such as counseling, 24-hour crisis line, emergency shelter, and prevention education.