36th Annual California Strawberry Festival Seeks Sponsors

OXNARD — The 36th Annual California Strawberry Festival, taking place May 18 and 19 at Strawberry Meadows of College Park in Oxnard, is seeking corporate sponsors and exhibitors.

Each year, the festival attracts nearly 60,000 visitors. Festivalgoers come from throughout southern California including Los Angeles, Ventura, San Bernardino, Kern, Santa Barbara and Orange counties.

Sponsors are included in marketing, public relations and social media campaigns leading up to the festival. Sponsors can also receive onsite branding exposure through the festival program, banners and naming rights for festival contests, activities and locations. An estimated value of the festival marketing campaign for 2018 was $1.14 million.

A limited number of commercial exhibitor spaces are also available.

Money raised through sponsorships and corporate exhibitors help the festival fund regional charitable organizations and post-secondary education scholarships. Since its inception, more than $4.5 million have gone to these efforts.

For a link to sponsorship and commercial exhibitor options, go to http://castrawberryfestival.org and click on “Sponsors & Partners.” Contact Marty Lieberman, 818-512-5892, marty@liebermanconsulting.net with any sponsorship or commercial exhibitor questions.