Santa Paula Art Museum update for Oct. 12 — 5 Things We Learned in ‘The Land of Light’


Last weekend, the Santa Paula Art Museum was transformed into a place that we call “The Land of Light” for the second year in a row. Below are 5 things that we learned during the event, which mingled art and science with play. Scroll down to see our equally fun, upcoming classes and events.
Bubbles are the BEST
It’s pretty common knowledge that kids LOVE bubbles, so you can imagine the reaction of our youngest visitors when cirque artist and bubble performer Erin Maxick brought out her giant bubble wand! Bubbles = joy.
We should speak to trees more often
CalArts MFA students R.S. Buck, Kamyi Lee, Travis Moelter, and Shan Wu built amazing art installations inside the Cole Creativity Center. Their “enchanted listening tree” lit up and changed colors in response to the voice of each guest.
Covered wagons are the only way to travel
Our new friends Mak Cabessa and Moshe Teitelbaum arrived at the event in their “Shenanigan Wagon,” a huge covered wagon with all the neon trimmings. It was one of several “art cars” and “art bikes” on display.
Creativity comes in many different forms
If there is one thing that “The Land of Light” teaches us most, it’s that art and creativity come in many different forms, and when those different art forms are brought together, they create a truly spectacular experience.
Bubbles are even better at night
If we thought bubbles were great during the day, we had another thing coming once the sun set. Bubbles (and our building) have never looked so epic than when they were illuminated by artist Amun Levy’s video projections.
“Fuerza” by Sophia Harris, photograph, 16 x 24 inches, Collection of the artist – to be featured in the upcoming “The Wall” exhibition.
The Wall: Boundaries Between and Within Us
Saturday, October 20, 2018, from 4pm to 6pm
Admission: $10 members / $15 non-members
With the idea of a wall being built along the U.S.-Mexico border occupying much of American political discourse today, the Santa Paula Art Museum’s upcoming, original exhibition, The Wall: Boundaries Between and Within Us, will explore the nature of walls and boundaries – lines that define, surround, protect, divide, include, and exclude whether they are real or imagined, explicit or implicit. The 23 artists selected for the exhibition have each interpreted the subject in a unique way: the walls depicted are physical, historical, social, cultural, political, personal and more. In addition to the walls themselves, the artworks call into question our relationships to them – are we builders or wreckers? inside or outside? confined or liberated? The show will invite you to consider and confront the walls that shape us individually and collectively.
Last Call: Paintings by Gina Niebergall
Exhibition closes
Sun., October 14
This is the final weekend of Ventura artist Gina Niebergall’s solo show The Natural World: Variations on a Theme. Catch the exhibit before it closes on Sunday, October 14.
Collage Essentials
(Ages 16+)
Tues., October 16,
12pm to 2pm
Artist Karen Browdy will share the skills and tools needed to build a meaningful practice in collage. All skill levels welcome. The cost of the class is $35.
Artist Talk:
Shannon Celia
Sat., November 3,
2pm to 3:30pm
Conejo Valley painter Shannon Celia will reveal what transpired during her recent artistic Odyssey Through Oxnard, and how it inspired her current Santa Paula Sojourn.
Free Family Day:
Dia de los Muertos
Sun., November 4,
12pm to 4pm
Celebrate Day of the Dead with traditional craft making activities and performances at four different locations in Santa Paula. Admission is free for everyone.