Guest commentary: My recent articles on the Oxnard Civil ‘Gang’ Injunction

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Armando Vazquez.

By Armando Vazquez / Guest contributor

Since 2004 CORE and Oxnard community activist have been fight to abolish the two Civil Gang Injunctions that currently plague our community. The initial community activism was organic, the homies, the mothers, the girl friends and others affected by the gang injunction began talking to us, seeking out advice and help as the cops began to move on them. We mobilized as best we could, fought hard and in the end we were defeated. We lost the initial battle; it now appears that we may win the war.

It is now the end of 2018 and we are very close in finally defeating this unconstitutional and repressive policing “tools” as the OPD like to describe the two injunctions. Accordingly I have put together a comprehensive list of anti-injunction articles that I have written recently. Additionally I have added the articles and document that I have written in our corollary and organic community efforts to occupy and secure on a permanent basis one of the many abandoned buildings that the city has in it property portfolio. The document are, as best I could organize, provided to the reader in chronological order. This system of article review provides the reader a clear timeline of events and our CORE and community efforts. In the future I will incorporate other important articles from CORE and community activist to expand the picture of community activism in this historical fight to defeat and abolish the unconstitutional Oxnard Civil “Gang” Injunctions. There may be some duplication of material, please indulge me, my eyes are getting weaker as my quest for social justice grows.

Click here to see all Oxnard Civil “Gang” Injunctions articles.

— Armando Vazquez, M.Ed., founding member of CORE and the Acuna Art Gallery and Community Collective.

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