New sidewalks provide safe path for new school year

VENTURA —  The Ventura County Public Works Agency has completed two sidewalk projects just in time for the start of the school year.

The Public Works Agency finished the installation of 1,300 feet of sidewalks, curbs and gutters, curb drains, curb ramps and driveway reconstructions around the perimeters of Camarillo Heights Elementary School along Catalina and Mission Drive, and Rio Real Elementary School on the north side of Kenney Street.

“The construction of the sidewalks around Camarillo Heights Elementary and Rio Real Elementary will assist in improving the overall safety of the school and the neighboring area,” said David Fleisch, Director of the Public Works Transportation Department. “Now students, parents and residents can feel safer walking to school and in their neighborhood.”

The sidewalk work was done by the County because the two schools are in unincorporated areas. An expected benefit of the sidewalks is reduced traffic around the schools. A federal grant intended to reduce congestion and improve air quality covered most of the projects’ costs. The Road Repair and Accountability Act of 2017 provided the balance of the funding.

The agency applied an accelerated schedule to complete the construction of both projects before the new school year began to minimize any impact on regular school operations.