RISE Welcomes New Pet Facility at Atascadero Shelter

Created with Support from the RedRover Grant Program

Courtesy photos.

SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY — RISE is excited to announce the construction of an onsite housing center for pets of intimate partner violence and sexual assault survivors at its Atascadero emergency shelter, made possible through a $3,000 RedRover® Relief Safe Housing grant. RedRover, a national nonprofit organization based in Sacramento, provides grants for financial assistance and support for victims of domestic violence through its RedRover Relief program, enabling domestic violence victims to safely escape abusive situations with their pets.

RISE Executive Director Jennifer Adams said, “We believe that survivors should not have to choose between leaving an abusive environment or leaving their pets behind. We are committed to providing a safe space for survivors, their children, and their pets to continue their healing journey.”

According to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, more than 70% of pet-owning women entering domestic violence shelters reported that their batterer had injured, killed, or threatened family pets for revenge or psychological control. As many as 65% of domestic violence victims are unable to escape their abusers because they fear what will happen to their pets when they leave. Unfortunately, only a fraction of the 2,500 domestic violence shelters in the United States report having the ability to house animals onsite. RedRover’s Safe Housing program provides essential funding to domestic violence shelters to create onsite pet housing.

RISE used grant funding to purchase cat and dog kennels for the emergency shelter. However, additional donations are needed to provide families with essential pet-care basics. RISE is seeking donations to purchase pet food, bowls, grooming products, cleaning supplies, and other items needed for pets staying at the shelter. To help survivors care for their pets, visit RISEslo.org/donate or support RedRover’s lifesaving domestic violence programs at RedRover.org

About RISE: RISE is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization whose mission is to transform the lives of sexual and intimate partner violence survivors, their families and the community through services and education that promote safety, healing and empowerment. RISE provides the following programs:  24-hour crisis line, case management, restraining order assistance, accompaniment and advocacy, two emergency shelters, individual and group counseling, and prevention education.