Santa Paula Art Museum update for May 10

Encourage Creativity

Support Scholarships for Arts Education in Our Community

A creative community is a stronger community. Did you know that 72% of today’s business leaders say that creativity is the number one skill that they are looking for when hiring? Arts education teaches creativity, but many arts courses that help develop creative skills aren’t required or even offered in schools. The Santa Paula Art Museum’s new Cole Creativity Center provides access to quality arts education in our community. Make a donation today to provide a scholarship for a local student to attend classes at the Cole Creativity Center.
Arts programs enhance a child’s ability to express and understand themselves, which increases their focus, confidence, and skill in empathizing with others. And those skills serve them well into adulthood. It’s no surprise then that researchers have shown that a high concentration of the arts in a city leads to higher civic engagement, more social cohesion, higher child welfare, and lower poverty rates. Your support of arts scholarships today will benefit our entire community, and guide young people towards the most important skill that they will need in the future: CREATIVITY!
*Donations can be made in any amount. A donation of $85.00 pays for one student to attend a week-long art course at the Cole Creativity Center. Scholarship recipients are chosen from local schools and are nominated by their teachers based on need and potential.
Play the video below to hear facts and figures that quantify how much arts education benefits young people, citing research by Americans for the Arts.
For children, the importance of arts education is often overshadowed by other areas of study like math and science (which are subject to standardized testing). But when you do the math on arts education, the numbers are pretty striking: