Jackson on National School Walkout

SACRAMENTO State Senator Hannah-Beth Jackson (D-Santa Barbara) released the following statement in advance of the thousands of students and educators expected to participate in the National School Walkout today in California and across the country to protest the federal and Congressional inaction on gun violence:

“Today, I stand in solidarity with student activists across our state and country who are making a stand against gun violence. It is clear we need their leadership and their voices at a time when our federal leadership has failed to protect us,” said Jackson. “We’ve made important reforms to reduce gun violence in California, but we cannot succeed without gun control at the federal level, and the first thing we must to do is reenact the federal assault weapons ban. No one needs an assault weapon, and we need them off our streets and away from our schools immediately. Let’s honor these students by making today a new beginning in our efforts to prevent gun violence.“

Jackson represents the 19th Senate District, which includes all of the Santa Barbara County and western Ventura County.