Luis Valdez ‘From the roots’ set for March 15 at CSUCI

The Chicana/o Studies Performance and Teatrics Lecture Series presents playwright, director and founder of El Teatro Campesino Luis Valdez during the program “From the roots: The flowering of El Teatro Campesino,” at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 15 at California State University, Channel Islands in Salon A.

Valdez is the director of “La Bamba,” “El Corrido,””Los Vendidos” and  “Zoot Suit.”

He has been awarded the Presidential Medal of Arts, the Governor’s Award of the California Arts Council and the George Peabody Award.

The event includes the performance by the Chicano Secret Service, who will present “Plieto Studies in a Moment of Danger,” along with poet, activist, scholar Jonathan D. Gomez.

The event is free and open to the public.

For more information, contact CSUCI professor Frank Barajas at or professor José M. Alamillo at