Community celebrates Flor y Canto in Guadalupe

Poets, musicians and community members took part in the Raza Speaks: Flor y Canto celebration on Feb. 19 in the city of Guadalupe. Photo courtesy of Enedina Castañeda

Poets, musicians and community members from San Luis Obispo and several neighboring counties took part in the Raza Speaks: Flor y Canto celebration held Feb 19 at the the Guadalupe Cultural Arts & Education Center in the city of Guadalupe.

The event, hosted by professor Gloria Velasquez and sponsored by the Chicano/Latino Faculty Staff Association at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, featured the performance by “Los Wachinangos”.

“La Dra. Velásquez compartió sus versos acompañada por la flauta de Tym Romero. Recitaron sus versos: El poeta mexicano Virgilio González (de Oxnard); el poeta nicaragüense Roger Torres (de Glandale); la poetisa estadounidense Judith García; y una servidora” poet and educator Enedina Castañeda said in a media release.

Click here to view a slide show of the event.

For more information, call 805.343.2939.