Survey Shows Success of Local Caregiver Awareness Campaign

As a result of the Caring Together Lompoc campaign, 50% of community members surveyed are now more aware of caregiving; 40% now identify as a caregiver

LOMPOC — This past summer, the Caring Together Lompoc campaign launched with the goal of helping community members self-identify as caregivers in order to access services available to them in Lompoc. The campaign goals were driven by the 2015 Lompoc Caregiver Needs Assessment Survey which was targeted to those caring for a senior parent, spouse or friend. A follow-up survey, the Lompoc Valley Family Caregiver Community Perception Survey, was conducted in November and December 2016 to measure the impact of the awareness initiative. Based on responses from 225 diverse members of the Lompoc Valley community who participated in-person or online, the survey showed significant success of campaign goals.

“We are thrilled to receive such positive feedback from the community that the awareness materials and campaign are making a positive impact on attitudes toward caregiving,” said Ashley Costa, Executive Director, Lompoc Valley Community Healthcare Organization, one of the organizations collaborating on the Caring Together Lompoc campaign. “We are grateful to those in the Lompoc Valley who took the time to give feedback through the survey. This will help us reach even more local caregivers with the resources they need most.”

Selected results from the Lompoc Valley Family Caregiver Community Perception Survey

  • Almost 60% of community members surveyed recalled seeing or hearing about the Caring Together Lompoc awareness campaign.
  • Nearly three-fourths of survey participants were more aware of the mental and physical health impacts on the caregiver as a result of caregiving than they were six months ago.
  •  70% were more aware of the size of the senior and aging populations in the Lompoc Valley community than they were six months ago.
  • 40% have self-identified as a caregiver as a result of the awareness campaign materials.
  • 50% reported they are more aware of caregiving as a result of the awareness campaign.
  • One-third have now identified others as a caregiver.
  • 40% of Hispanic survey participants now identify themselves as a caregiver.

    One-half of final comments on the survey focused on the need for more information and resources. Caring Together Lompoc hopes to meet this need through the Lompoc Valley Medical Center’s Family Caregiver Support Network, expected to officially launch during first quarter 2017.

A broad range of community members participated in the Lompoc Valley Family Caregiver Community Perception Survey, reflecting the diversity of the Lompoc Valley, including a well-balanced demographic mix of age, income and marital status. The complete report is available online at

About Caring Together Lompoc: Caring Together Lompoc is a public awareness campaign aimed at increasing the ability of family members, neighbors, relatives and friends of seniors to self-identify as a “Caregiver”. Caring Together Lompoc is focused on helping caregivers understand they are not alone in their caregiving efforts.  Caring Together Lompoc is a collaboration of local agencies and nonprofits serving family caregivers.  Project partners include: Lompoc Valley Community Healthcare Organization, Lompoc Valley Medical Center, Family Service Agency, Santa Barbara County Education Office, Santa Barbara County Promotores Network; with funding from Santa Barbara Foundation. More information at