Jan. 7 — Day of Mindfulness: Renewal for the New Year

jan-7VENTURA — A day to quiet the mind and open the heart. A day of healing, with the Venerable Kusala, an American born Buddhist monk, ordained in the Zen tradition of Vietnam.

  • Date, time: January 7, 2017, 10am to 4pm
  • Location of event: Unitarian Universalist Church of Ventura Sanctuary (UUCV), 5654 Ralston St., Ventura, CA 93003
  • Entry/attendance prices: A gratitude offering will be gratefully accepted, but is not required, $35 suggested.
  • Name of group:  Sponsored by the Friendship Sangha of the Heart, a program of the UUCV.
  • Sign Up Information: More information and registration at FriendshipSangha.org/register.
  • Name of person to contact & phone number to be published: Neal Ortenberg, 805-368-9835.

The Venerable Kusala Bhikshu

Kusala became interested in Meditation in 1979, and he found his way to the International Buddhist Meditation Center in the Koreatown neighborhood of Los Angeles. There he took refuge, accepted the five precepts of a lay Buddhist, and was given the name Kusala (skillful).

With a growing interest in Early Buddhism he began his studies with the Ven. Dr. H. Ratanasara at the College of Buddhist Studies in Los Angeles. After 15 years of study and practice he took novice vows, and was given the Dharma name Kusala Ratana Karuna (skillful jewel of compassion). Two years later he received full ordination as a Bhikshu (monk), and was given the name Thich Tam-Thien (heavenly heart mind) with the Ven. Dr. H. Ratanasara and the Ven. Karuna Dharma as two of his ordaining masters.

Along with Kusala’s Bhikshu ordination he received a B.A. in Buddhist Studies from the College of Buddhist Studies. Kusala lives and works at the International Buddhist Meditation Center. He facilitates meditation and discussion groups, feeds the cats and koi fish, and continues to give presentations at local high schools, colleges, and local churches on Buddhism and social action.

In July of 2015 Kusala Bhikshu was invited by the city of Garden Grove to open their Dalai Lama Event with a Loving-Kindness Meditation and Buddhist Blessing.

Visit Kusala’s – iTunes Podcast – to listen to live presentations.