Renowned Middle Eastern Musicians Perform In Concert For Flutes Across The World on Nov. 12

mediterranean-night-reducedVENTURA — Flutes Across The World will sponsor some of the world’s best-known and renowned middle eastern musicians for a concert fundraiser in Ventura to support the non-profit efforts of its programs for children in American and overseas for music and peace.

The concert will be on Saturday, November 12th @ 7:00 P.M. at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Ventura, 5654 Ralston Street, Ventura, California. Admission is $20 for adults and $8 for children 10 years old and under.

Musicians of the ensemble include some of the finest Middle Eastern and Mediterranean musicians to ever perform in concert in the Ventura area, including Souhail Kaspar; Lebanon (of Sting), Houman Pourmehdi; Sufi and classical drumming master of Iran (Lian Ensemble), renown Dimitri Mahlis from Greece, Pete Korpela; percussionist extraordinaire from Denmark, Hasan Minawi of Jordan and guest artist Martin Espino, the mystic guru of winds, strings and percussion of ancient Mexico. Special guests will also be on stage for this unique and exotic concert performance. Rare and unique instruments from various countries and cultures will fill the stage for audience members to see and hear.

This exotic concert and cast of performers is directed by award-winning composer, humanitarian and educator, John Zeretzke, who formed Flutes Across The World seven years ago to promote arts in the schools and a connection for children in America to other impoverished children in other parts of the world. Zeretzke recently returned from a one month long music mission to Mindanao where he brought over 900 flutes to children there and lead workshops and classes. During this last music mission in Mindanao, Zeretzke also started a training program and cadre of volunteer teachers to assist and to help imbed the program in the Philippines.

Flutes Across the World travels to schools and community centers around the globe to share music and teach children about different cultures. Children in America make and decorate two Friendship Flutes with artistic symbols of hope and peace…one flute to keep and play and one flute to give away to a child in need in another part of the world.

A ‘Meet and Greet’ with the musicians is offered after the performance in Berg Hall at the church along with snacks and libations. Proceeds from the concert will go towards the non-profit organization, Flutes Across The World. Additional tax-deductible donations are appreciated for Flutes Across The World. Open seating night of the performance payable by cash, check or credit or debit card.

For Information Call: 805.798.2480