The Blackboard Gallery at Studio Channel Islands to present exhibit ‘Street/Urban’ by Charles Magallanes and sculpture work by William Solomon through 23

postcard-3.5inx8.5in-h-frontCAMARILLO — The new exhibition “Street/Urban” opening at the Blackboard Gallery at Studio Channel Islands in Camarillo, is an exhibit showcasing Charles Magallanes, along with a sculptural piece by William Solomon. Each artist will bring his own creative flair to the contemporary art conversations. The exhibition opens November 4th and runs through November 23rd. The Artists’ Reception will be Saturday, November 5th from 4pm-6pm. The Artist’s Talk is set for Saturday, November 12th at 1:30. As the title suggests, street art is a major influence of this exhibit which promises to be thought provoking, visually stimulating, and pushing boundaries for gallery visitors.Charles Magallanes, who is an Artist-In-Residence at Studio Channel Islands, is working on an interactive graffiti wall to go along with his colorful paintings.

Courtesy image.

Courtesy image.

Charles Magallanes’ works explore his relationship between nature and urban spaces.   New synergies are generated from both simple and complex meanings. “Ever since I was a child, I have been fascinated by the unrelenting divergence of relationships.” What starts out as contemplation and disambiguation, becomes finessed into a carnival of color leaving only a sense of depth and vibrancy that layers hidden meanings. Charles uses a mixture of different techniques, including spray paint, found objects, paper and hidden ramblings.

Charles is concerned with expressing the moment and conveying that into a cohesive and thought-provoking object of art that allows viewers to also be introspective of their own thoughts and desires. Colors, shapes, and textures break through the surface of consciousness and start to grow from within the canvas, as glimpses of an insight or the fragment of a revelation comes into focus. Charles’s abstract work is alive. As the invisible becomes visible, hidden meanings and images step forth or recede, inviting the viewer to stop, behold, and ponder the very moment of creation.

The exhibit features a piece by William Solomon titled NOW I CAN SEE which conveys that duality of asking how can something be simple and complex at the same time. As a visual artist he hopes that his pieces explain themselves visually without words. William was born to second generation Jewish immigrants. His divorced parents caused confusion in his life. His early life was filled with loving parents yet contained much angst and anarchy. As a child he was always attracted to drawing and painting. He discovered that various relatives were accomplished artists.


  • Street/Urban:
  • Exhibit by Charles Magallanes and sculpture work by William Solomon
  • The Blackboard Gallery – Studio Channel Islands
  • November 4– 23, 2016
  • Reception: November 5, 4pm – 6pm
  • Artist Talk November 12, 1:30pm