Sept. 30 Registration Deadline for High Schoolers Interested in Santa Barbara Family YMCA Youth & Government Program

Photo:In the Senate Chamber of the California State Capitol at the 68th Model Legislature & Court, former Santa Barbara delegate Hannah Babcock debates the bill submitted by the Santa Barbara Family YMCA Youth & Government team. Courtesy photo.

Photo:In the Senate Chamber of the California State Capitol at the 68th Model Legislature & Court, former Santa Barbara delegate Hannah Babcock debates the bill submitted by the Santa Barbara Family YMCA Youth & Government team. Courtesy photo.

SANTA BARBARA – High school students interested in a six-month hands-on experience in democracy are encouraged to apply to the Santa Barbara Family YMCA’s Youth and Government program. Registration closes on September 30.

Participants experience first-hand how state government works; fine-tune public speaking, conflict resolution and debating skills; become a leader in the democratic process and increase civic literacy awareness. The program also provides an opportunity to have fun with friends during weekly meetings, group building activities and road trips to Fresno and Sacramento.

As a delegation, youth create bills about pertinent issues, research and practice court cases, develop public speaking and networking skills, and attend three annual Model Legislature & Court conferences.

Teens meet weekly at the YMCA to discuss and debate issues that affect citizens of their state and to propose legislation. The program culminates with teens serving as delegates at their state conference, debating bills on the floor of the legislature with 3,000 fellow students from 45 California High Schools in the State Capital in Sacramento.
To support this program or to learn how to participate in the 2016-2017 delegation, please contact Gabriel Osollo at (805) 687-7720 ext. 274 or by email at Interested students do not have to be members of the YMCA to join.

Like all Y programs, Youth and Government is open to all with financial assistance available. The Youth & Government program is offered at the Santa Barbara, Lompoc, Stuart C. Gildred, and Ventura branches of the Channel Islands YMCA.

California YMCA Youth & Government’s Model Legislature & Court (MLC) has been the state’s premier youth leadership and civic development program since 1948. This program provides them with the opportunity to experience government first-hand through a unique “youth-run, youth-led” model. Visit the California YMCA Youth & Government website for more information.

About the Channel Islands YMCA: Established in 1887, the Channel Islands YMCA is a charitable organization of seven YMCA branches serving Santa Barbara and Ventura counties including: Camarillo Family YMCA, Lompoc Family YMCA, Montecito Family YMCA, Santa Barbara Family YMCA, Stuart C. Gildred Family YMCA in Santa Ynez, Ventura Family YMCA, and Youth and Family Services YMCA which operates Noah’s Anchorage Youth Crisis Shelter, the St. George Family Youth Center and My Home.

The Y is the nation’s leading nonprofit committed to strengthening communities through youth development, healthy living and social responsibility. The Channel Islands YMCA serves over 46,000 individuals and provides over $1.3 million in financial assistance to families in need for child care, YMCA memberships, away and day camps, youth sports, and teen after-school programs. For more information about the Santa Barbara Family YMCA, visit or call (805) 687-7727.