Social Justice Fund for Ventura County to present ‘Education and the American Dream’ on Sept. 10

Social Justice FundCAMARILLO — The Social Justice Fund for Ventura County will present the interact workshop “Education and the American Dream” from 9 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 10 at the Ventura County Community Foundation, 4001 Mission Oaks Blvd., Camarillo.

Education is the best investment society can make. It is the foundation of the American Dream. About 30 years ago, California was a leader in public education in the United States. But how do we rank today? Some studies place our state in the bottom 10 in the quality of its public education. Others show we have improved…

“Education and the American Dream ” is an interactive workshop co-presented by VENTURA STORIES and the Social Justice Fund for Ventura County to explore ways to improve the education in California, separating myth from reality. Join us for this important conversation.

Participants will share their own experiences of education and listen to the stories of others from diverse backgrounds. A panel of experts will talk on the progress we have made and the educational system’s strengths and challenges.

Learn how our schools are currently funded and what can be done to increase financial support for education without raising taxes on working families. Find out how we can improve education in California!

Register here or send an email to for more information.