The Channel Islands Choral Association is currently holding auditions through end of January for the CSU Channel Islands (CI) Choir, a class held at California State University, Channel Islands, which is open to students, faculty and members of the community.
The class meets from 7 to 9:50 p.m. Mondays in Malibu Hall Room 140 on the university campus. Enrolled students receive credit for the class and faculty and community members are volunteer singers. Membership in the choir is free for students. Non-students pay a membership fee of $75, which covers costs incurred by the choir.
This semester the group will be performing The Requiem by John Rutter and Serenade to Music by R. Vaughn Williams with the Channel Islands Chamber Orchestra on March 20, as well as a second concert in May.
Auditions may be scheduled by calling KuanFen Liu, artistic director of the Channel Islands Choral Association, a member of university’s music faculty and conductor of the CSU Channel Islands Choir. Liu can be reached at 805.278.0375. For more information about the choir, visit