Youth and Family Services YMCA Welcomes Tom Richards to the Board of Managers

Tom Richards. Courtesy photo.

Tom Richards. Courtesy photo.

The Youth and Family Services YMCA is proud to announce the election of Tom Richards to its Board of Managers. YFS provides safe, supportive and healing programs and environments to high-risk youth.

While growing up in Chicago, the YMCA had a significant influence on Richards throughout his youth. He attended Dartmouth College with assistance from a scholarship awarded to him by the Pullman Educational Foundation. These experiences influenced Richards’ passion to give his time and expertise in the same way to help young people launch successfully into their adult years.

Throughout his career in the financial services business, Richards has held leadership roles and given his time to many philanthropic organizations. Most recently, he served on the board of the President’s Leadership Class for the University of Colorado, Boulder. He is currently a partner with Social Venture Partners in Santa Barbara.

About Youth and Family Services YMCA: Youth and Family Services YMCA serves over 600 children and young people each year through Noah’s Anchorage Youth Crisis Shelter, the St. George Family Teen Center, My Home, and Support and Outreach Services. Children and young people in high-risk environments that participate in Youth and Family Services YMCA programs experience increased safety, health and wellbeing and they increase their capacity for self-sufficiency by building skills for independence and developing lasting relationships with adults who are committed to their success. For more information about the Youth and Family Services YMCA, visit or call (805) 569-1103.

Established in 1887, the Channel Islands YMCA is a charitable organization of seven YMCA branches serving Santa Barbara and Ventura counties including: Camarillo Family YMCA, Lompoc Family YMCA, Montecito Family YMCA, Santa Barbara Family YMCA, Stuart C. Gildred Family YMCA in Santa Ynez, Ventura Family YMCA, and Youth and Family Services YMCA.