Adolfo Camarillo High School Mariachi program is seeking donations

Friends of Adolfo Camarillo High School Mariachi:

Economic times such as these reduce government funding. Budgets cuts have cost the school system millions of dollars. Groups such as the ACHS Mariachi must raise most of their funding on their own. I am writing this letter to ask for your support to help our student-musicians at Camarillo High School. We are in the process of diversifying our music program at Camarillo to greater horizons. We need your support to make our vision a reality.

Camarillo High School is a very ethnic, cultural, and economically diverse high school, music is a universal language that crosses all boundaries, and our music program is expanding and in need of your help. Our Mariachi program is evolving and need your support to grow to the next level. Financial contributions from the community will assist in providing the musical experience that will enrich each student’s education.

Currently, we need funding for new uniforms which runs into thousands of dollars. Our students and families contribute as much a they can but the money generated from these contributions does not cover our expenses. Your financial contributions will be used to purchase uniforms, which we do not have at this time, and promote a sense of professionalism, pride, and positive image for the students and school.

Please consider a financial contribution towards our very deserving program and students. Without your assistance, our goals would not be possible to achieve.

Please make checks payable to ACHS. Your donation is tax deductible as were are a 501c3 group. Tax ID#95-600-2319.

Thank you in advance for your support!

Corey Reynolds

Music Teacher, Adolfo Camarillo High School




Adolfo Camarillo High School

Attn: Corey Reynolds/Camarillo Band Boosters

4660 Mission Oaks Blvd., Camarillo, CA 93012