Closing weekend for Teatro de las Américas’ “Three Faces of Love” in Oxnard

OXNARD — Teatro de las Américas will present the closing weekend of “Tres Caras de Amor / Three Faces of Love,” three one-act plays about love at various stages of life at at 8 p.m. Friday and Saturday, March 21 and 22 at the Teatro de las Américas theater, 880 Wagon Wheel Road, Oxnard.

The senior citizen perspective is interpreted in “Mañana de Sol/Morning Sun” by Spaniards Serafín & Joaquín Álvarez Quintero, directed by Miguel Heredia, and with local thespians Irma Stewart, Richard Harnden, Hector Chávez and Ingrid Castro. Love at middle age take is depicted in “Dinosaurios / Dinosaurs” by Argentinian playwright Santiago Serrano, directed by George J. Sandoval, featuring actors Iriany Sánchez and Alfredo Quezada. Teen encounter with first love is revealed in “Así Nos Volvemos, ¿No? / That’s What We Become, Right?” by Mexican author Miguel Ángel Tenorio, directed by Margaret Cortese, with performances by Jonathan López, Emely Baez, Samantha Anguiano, Pedro and Ismael Olmos.

The one-act plays, in Spanish with English supertitles, are appropriate for the entire family. They will be presented at 8 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays, February 28 through March 22, 2014. Teatro de las Américas’ theater is at 880 Wagon Wheel in Oxnard.

Tickets — $15 general admission, $10 seniors and students — are available at

• Burrito Express, 230 So. Ventura Road (corner with 2nd St.), in Oxnard;
Reservations can be made by leaving a message at 805-9teatro (805-983-2876) or by calling 805-798-0830.