Letter to the editor — Vote from home

Dear Editor:

The circumstances of this election are like no other in a hundred years.  We need to execute our Constitutional right to vote and stay safe from the Covid-19 virus.  The best way to do that is to vote from home.  To make sure your vote counts:  1) update/verify your registration, 2) select the language you want your ballot in (Voterstatus.sos.ca.gov), 3) track your ballot (WheresMyBallot.sos.ca.gov), and 4) vote early.  The League of Women Voters of Ventura County suggests voting by mail by October 20th to make sure your ballot  arrives in time to be counted.  Complete your ballot and deposit it in a drop box, mail it, or deliver it to a voting center.  All of these are safe options.  For more information about the election, visit the Ventura County Elections Division at venturavote.org

Pat Butler

Ventura, CA