Youth and Family Services YMCA Celebrates Five Years of “My Home” Program Helping Homeless Youth Build a Path to Independence

Courtesy photo.

Courtesy photo.

SANTA BARBARA — The Youth and Family Services YMCA held a five-year anniversary celebration of their My Home program on April 5 at Artisan Court. My Home provides homeless youth ages 18-24 transitional housing and the tools needed to build independent lives.

“This five years has taken a lot of people, a lot of resources and a lot of caring,” Youth and Family Services YMCA Executive Director Lynn Karlson told the audience, describing all involved as “visionary.”

Working with the Housing Authority of the City of Santa Barbara as the housing provider, My Home aims to house those young people facing homelessness and ensure that they receive the support needed to mature into self-sufficient adults through their many services including: on-site case management, education advocacy and preparation, work training, wellness referrals and counseling.

Karlson said that when Youth and Family Services YMCA first started the My Home program, it was one of the only housing options for youth transitioning out of the foster system, many of whom became homeless on their 18th birthday because of a law ending benefits at 18.

California has since passed legislation that allows foster youth to receive benefits until they are 21, but this hasn’t slowed work for My Home. With help from Housing Authority of the City of Santa Barbara, they have now expanded their services to include homeless youth who were never in foster care. Currently, 10 youth are in the program, eight of whom reside at Artisan Court. More are on a waiting list.

Autumn Sanders, 21, is one of the youth residents. She has been supported by the My Home program for about a year, which has provided her the stability and independence needed to continue her education and work.

“Because of My Home, I have a second chance,” Sanders told the crowd.

Research tells us that 65 percent of young people leaving foster care do not have a place to live and 40 percent will be on public assistance or incarcerated within four years. Young people coping with mental illness without family support are also much more likely to end up on the streets.

My Home is the result of collaboration among Youth and Family Services YMCA, the Housing Authority of the City of Santa Barbara and County of Santa Barbara Child Welfare Services. It is funded largely through generous contributions from local foundations and individuals as well as City Human Services funding.

The Assistance League of Santa Barbara’s Fostering Friends program helps provide My Home residents with household essentials to get started upon move in.

About Youth and Family Services YMCA: Youth and Family Services YMCA serves over 600 children and young people each year through Noah’s Anchorage Youth Crisis Shelter, the St. George Family Teen Center, My Home, and Support and Outreach Services. Children and young people in high-risk environments that participate in Youth and Family Services YMCA programs experience increased safety, health and wellbeing and they increase their capacity for self-sufficiency by building skills for independence and developing lasting relationships with adults who are committed to their success. For more information about the Youth and Family Services YMCA, visit or call (805) 569-1103.

Established in 1887, the Channel Islands YMCA is a charitable organization of seven YMCA branches serving Santa Barbara and Ventura counties including: Camarillo Family YMCA, Lompoc Family YMCA, Montecito Family YMCA, Santa Barbara Family YMCA, Stuart C. Gildred Family YMCA in Santa Ynez, Ventura Family YMCA, and Youth and Family Services YMCA.