With Older Population on the Rise, Governor Signs Jackson’s Senior Master Plan Bill

Three Jackson Bills Signed Into Law Assist Older Californians

SACRAMENTO – Governor Gavin Newsom recently signed State Sen. Hannah-Beth Jackson’s (D-Santa Barbara) bill to establish a comprehensive plan for addressing the needs of the state’s aging and disabled residents.

Senate Bill 228 provides a policy framework for the Master Plan for Aging and Disabled Californians, established through executive order by Newsom. SB 228 encourages collaboration among state departments and stakeholders, provides a framework of values, builds on best practices and research to provide a vision and plan for addressing the long- and short-term needs of aging and disabled Californians, and requires reporting to the Legislature on the progress of the plan.

“By 2030, our older population will nearly double in California, bringing an increase of 4 million people over the age of 65. We owe it to them and all Californians to ensure that our state has thoughtfully prepared for this demographic shift,” said Jackson. “The Master Plan, along with additional legislation I have authored this year to helps older Californians, will help provide us with a roadmap for success.”

Newsom recently signed two other Jackson bills aimed at addressing the needs of California’s elder population.

Senate Bill 280 (Jackson) strengthens home building standards to help aging and disabled adults reduce their risk of dangerous falls and allow them to age at home.

Senate Bill 623 (Jackson) directs the Department of Housing and Community Development to use the most current Census data to determine the assistance that is directed for the construction of low-income senior housing units.  This helps ensure that housing allocations accurately reflect California’s increasing senior population.

In addition, Jackson secured $4.65 million in the 2019-20 budget for fall prevention. This funds home improvements such as grab bars, widened doorways and ramps for low-income seniors and those with disabilities.

Jackson represents the 19th Senate District, which includes all of Santa Barbara County and western Ventura County.