Votes can help park win $100,000 for renovations
Assemblymember Das Williams (D-Santa Barbara) and Ventura County Fifth District Supervisor John Zaragoza are asking 805 residents to vote for McGrath State Beach, which currently ranks 6th in the “America is Your Park” national contest. That positions the beachfront state park in the running to win $100,000 recreation grant sponsored by the CocaCola Live Positively initiative. The campaign was developed in collaboration with the National Park Foundation, America’s State Parks and the National Recreation and Park Association.
Williams and Zaragoza are scheduled to hold a press conference on Friday to talk about the voting campaign.
“It is vital for people of Santa Barbara and Ventura County to save McGrath State Beach, if we don’t find the money and resources it will be closed and we will lose one of the great gems of our community,” said Das Williams, whose district includes McGrath State Beach.

Fifth District Supervisor John Zaragoza
“This grant could play a crucial part in keeping our local state beach and community treasure open,” Zaragoza said. “We have been working collaboratively with state parks and local officials to ensure McGrath stays open to the community, but there is still a very vital role for the community members to play in the plan by voting online and spreading the word via social media. It’s a chance for everyone in the community to do his or her part to help save McGrath.”
This summer, central coast families can go to to help McGrath State Beach win big with just a click of a button, Williams reported. Currently the park is among the top vote getters in the “America is Your Park” national contest.
The three parks that receive the most votes by September 6, 2011 will be awarded recreation grants in the following amounts: First Place – $100,000; Second Place – $50,000; and, Third Place – $25,000. These grants will help restore, rebuild or enhance recreation areas in parks where people can play and be active.
A shrinking state budget and a desperately needed sewer line upgrade have placed McGrath on the list of California State Parks pending closure. However, state and local officials have been working to hatch a plan to secure enough money for the needed renovations to keep the park open.
“So many folks wonder how they can make a real impact these days and here is a perfect example. Neighbors can be a part of the solution, it only takes a few seconds and the desire to spread the word around to our friends and neighbors via e-mail and social media,” said Santa Barbara Chamber of Commerce President, Sergio Villa.
“The City of Oxnard is committed to working with all parties to ensure the survival and success of this local asset and it is heartwarming to see how the local communities have rallied around this effort to ensure the continued success of McGrath State Beach,” said Bryan MacDonald, Councilman, City of Oxnard.
“The upwelling of community support for McGrath State Beach has been tremendous. A grant from Coca Cola will allow the park to remain open so families can continue to camp, fish and swim at this beautiful coastal resource. I cannot think of a better way to ‘live positively,’” said Richard Rozzelle, California State Parks District Superintendent.
“With so many beautiful parks and so many days of sunshine to get out and enjoy them, we hope a park from California wins this year,” said Terry Fitch, senior vice president, West Region, Coca-Cola Refreshments. “With state budget cuts hitting our parks hard, this is the boost our parks need. Be digital and get physical!”
Last year, thanks to more than 1.6 million votes cast by its supporters, Bear Head Lake State Park in Ely, Minnesota was named “America’s Favorite Park.” The park is using the recreation grant to build a new warming hut to ensure safety and comfort for winter sports enthusiasts all season long.
About America Is Your Park — From June 29, 2011 to September 6, 2011, people can go to to cast a vote for their favorite park. Americans can vote in the following ways: Click on their favorite park and vote, upload photos of themselves in their favorite park or “check in” from the park using Facebook Places. And, starting August 10, they can also upload video of themselves in their favorite park. To learn more about Coca-Cola’s efforts in our nation’s parks, vote for your favorite park or to download helpful tools to motivate your community to vote, visit