¡Viva el Arte de Santa Barbara! to present Patricio Hidalgo y el Afrojarocho through Oct. 4

Patricio Hidalgo y el Afrojarocho to perform through Oct. 4. Courtesy photo.

Patricio Hidalgo y el Afrojarocho to perform through Oct. 4. Courtesy photo.

¡Viva el Arte de Santa Barbara! will present Patricio Hidalgo y el Afrojarocho in free family performances from through Oct. 4 in various locations in Santa Barbara County.

Hidalgo is a world-renowned musician and poet and a third-generation jaranero, a master of the music and dance of the Veracruz region of Mexico. The group will perform Saturday, Oct. 3 at the Guadalupe City Hall Auditorium, 918 Obispo St., Guadalupe (805-343-2455); and 7 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 4 at the Marjorie Luke Theatre, Santa Barbara Jr. High, 721 E. Cota St., Santa Barbara, (805-884-4087, ext. 7).

A special jarocho workshop will be held from 2 to 4 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 4 at Casa de La Guerra. The workshop is co-presented with the Santa Barbara Trust for Historic Preservation.

Visit www.facebook.com/VivaelArteSB for more information.