Veronica Valadez exhibit continues through June 8 in Ventura

The exhibit “Yo Soy Maíz, Solo Art Exhibition by Verónica Xochitl Valadez” will continue through June 8 at the Bell Arts Fac­tory, 432 No. Ventura Ave., downtown Ventura. The exhibit is based on the artwork that comple­ments her written master’s degree thesis, “Dancing Codices: Danza Azteca and Indigenous Body Art.” Prints will be available for purchase.

The imagery in the art expresses her connection to her indigenous roots through the tradition of Aztec dance and visually narrates the history of her ancestral past. It examines how contemporary Chicanas and Chicanos are able to use danza azteca as a platform to reconnect to their indigenous roots. Valadez is a traditional Aztec dancer, schoolteacher, community activist and visual artist who has applied her artistic talents toward the earning of a master’s degree in Chicana/o Studies from Cal State University Northridge.

Contact the Bell Arts Factory at 805-643-7489, send an email to or visit for more information.