Ventura County Fire Dept. — Trainees of Academy 61 Graduate to Probationary Ventura County Firefighters

Courtesy photo.

CAMARILLO — Fifteen people joined the Ventura County Fire Department ranks on Friday after graduating from the department’s 61st firefighter academy.
“I commend everyone who graduated today for committing themselves to a career of public service,” Fire Chief Dustin Gardner said. “We work in a challenging and dangerous profession. We show up to help people who might be facing one of the worst days of their lives. And we put ourselves in harm’s way to protect others. It takes special people to do this, and I am glad to welcome each of them to the Ventura County Fire Department.”
The ceremony was held at the fire department’s Regional Training Center in Camarillo. The graduating trainees demonstrated many of the skills they learned during their 20-week training, including putting out a car fire, quickly putting on turnout gear, and rappelling from a building.
As they received their badges, the graduates were assigned to fire stations across the county as probationary firefighters. Probation lasts for a year. Those who continue to demonstrate their ability to meet the department’s standards of service then become permanent firefighters.
Three of the new probationary firefighters were selected for awards for excellent performance.
  • Nolan Johnson of Oxnard was honored with the Captain’s Award.
  • Jessie Zetino of Camarillo was recognized with the Chief’s Award.
  • Christopher Botelho of Ventura received the Peer Award.