Residents in the area may notice smoke due to the prescribed fire burning, but it’s important to note that Ventura County Fire Department (VCFD) resources will be actively monitoring the situation to ensure safety and effectiveness. These resources will be on-site to oversee the operation, ensuring that it aligns with the objectives of vegetation management and poses no threat to the surrounding community. If you wish to obtain further information about the event or the vegetation management program, they can contact Public Information Officers Brian McGrath or Andy Vansciver at (805) 389-9746.
The Ventura County Fire Department’s Vegetation Management Program (VMP) aims to manage vegetation on state/local land, assist property owners, and protect the community from wildfires. It also supports Cal Fire’s mission and provides training for firefighters in wildland fire suppression. In addition to the benefits to the landscape, the prescribed fire operation also provides the opportunity for the training of firefighters in wildland fire suppression.