Ventura County Community Foundation — August 2024

Power of Purpose Newsletter header, an image of poppies in the mountains above Ventura

Dear Ventura County Community Foundation Family,

As one of the newest members of VCCF, I can say that in my short five months here, I have witnessed countless examples of our community banding together to formulate solutions to create lasting impact in our shared world. Many of you have taken time out of your busy schedules to share your knowledge and expertise with me, take me on a tour of your organizations, and volunteer your talents to address many of our region’s challenges – turning them into opportunities to strengthen our community together.

One of these opportunities is the tremendous work being done through the Ventura County Trusted Messengers Network. Together, we are focusing on extreme heat, mental health, water conservation, and economic inclusion through our Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) campaign. These areas have been prioritized by the State of California and are essential for safeguarding our region and ensuring equal access to vital information to keep our community safe.

No doubt, Ventura County has seen no shortage of change, especially in the last few years. Together, we have risen above challenges and overcome obstacles as so beautifully illustrated during both the 2020 Census Complete Count and Covid-19 Vaccination Initiatives. Through these experiences, we know that receiving information from those you know and trust is a critical component to lasting change.

I am so honored to be part of this family and thank you all for your continued dedication to our region.

With Gratitude,


Candice Tang Nyholt, VCCF Director of Marketing and Communications

A logo of the Ventura County Trusted Messengers Network, alongside an image of a field in Santa Paula, a setting sun, and a teen helping an older woman with her cellphone

VCCF is honored to be one of 142 grantees selected by the Governor’s Office of Planning and Research to help our local nonprofits promote critical critical campaigns on extreme heat, water conservation, and ITIN number access. The Ventura County Trusted Messengers Network is made of 17 groups who will be spreading the word about how you can play a part in helping Ventura County.

Congratulations to Our Scholarship Students!

A video thumbnail with the text "Congratulations to our students!" overlaid over students' profile images

We are so proud of our 2024 VCCF Scholarship recipients, and incredibly grateful for the donors and volunteer readers who helped made this year’s season possible for almost 400 students! Please watch the video to hear our heartfelt thank you.

VCCF Donor Spotlight – Meryl and Jonathan Chase

Meryl and Jonathan Chase posing with their son Kyler and their labradoodle Teddi Bear in a backyard for a family photo

This month’s donor spotlight features Meryl and Jonathan Chase, both passionate volunteers and philanthropists who have passed their giving spirit forward to their son. Read more about their lives and the roles that generosity, community and faith play in them.

VCCF Honored at Family Justice Center Gala

Bonnie Gilles and Leah Lacayo in formal event wear accepting VCCF's award at the Family Justice Center gala

The Ventura County Family Justice Center hosted their Voices of Hope Gala last month, and VCCF was honored as one of three of their “local heroes,” in addition to Dr. Thomas Duncan and Hon. Brian J. Back. VCCF was named Community Advocate of the Year for our work with VCFJC on the Tiny Homes Project. Vice President & Chief Financial and Operating Officer Bonnie Gilles and Board secretary Leah Lacayo accepted the award and spoke at the event.

Three Local Nonprofits Nominated 2024 California Nonprofits of the Year

Logo for 2024 California Nonprofit of the Year

Congratulations to local nonprofits Housing Trust Fund of Ventura County, James Storehouse and Women’s Economic Ventures for being selected as 2024 California Nonprofits of the Year by three state representatives! Learn more about the incredible work these groups are doing in our community by reading below.

Power of Community

Good News from YOUR Ventura Community

Power of Community header, faces of community members

Global Dental Relief

A video thumbnail with an image of a Tibetan temple with dentist chairs set up. Volunteers stand in front of students in red robes sitting on the chairs

Global Dental Relief provides free dental care for children worldwide. In April 2024, their two-week dental clinic in Kathmandu, Nepal was led by Dr. Mark Lisagor, retired pediatric dentist from Ventura County who has volunteered for GDR for over 25 years. This is the second GDR trip for Camarillo residents and VCCF Donor Peer Network members Jerry Clifford and BJ Fan. Before Covid, they worked with Mark in Ladakh at 13,500 feet in the Himalayas of India’s northern tip.

In Nepal, Jerry & BJ joined other volunteers from Germany, Norway, UK, and the US to work with the Nepalese local partners to serve hundreds of children in the region. Their bright smiles and gleaming teeth made the long trip very worthwhile.

4001 Mission Oaks Blvd Suite A, Camarillo CA 93012