Ventura County Arts Council — We Need Your Help! Tell the City of Ventura that you support our new arts center!

You Can Help Us Secure a New, Permanent Community Arts Center!
We need you, our local arts and culture community, to express your support to the City of Ventura for Haven Ventura to be awarded a Cannabis Business Permit. If awarded the permit, Haven will donate the adjoining suite next door to its proposed retail cannabis establishment in perpetuity, and pay for all renovations to the proposed arts center.
Community support is essential! Tell the City of Ventura how valuable an arts center will be!
This arts center will be administered by Ventura County Arts Council for the benefit of our whole community. It will be a vibrant space for artists, arts organizations and residents to collaborate and enjoy exhibitions, workshops and events! Lend your support any of the following ways:
  • Scan the QR code in the image below to send a pre-written, pre-addressed email to the City of Ventura.
  • Submit comments of support via the city’s online form.
  • Voice your support in person at the public hearing next Monday, June 18 at 6pm at the Ventura City Hall. Get more info here.
  • Need sample language? Download a sample as a PDF or Word doc.
Read more about this exciting partnership between Ventura County Arts Council and Haven Ventura: