Ventura County Arts Council — Help us advocate for ARP funds for artists & arts orgs!

We Want to Hear From You!
Arts Advocacy & Survey:
COVID-19 Pandemic Losses
Will you join us in advocating for county federal American Rescue Plan funds to be allocated for arts and culture?
We have crafted a letter to the Ventura County Board of Supervisors in support of this goal, and we are gathering signatures from individuals and organizations who have been impacted, or who support and stand with us in advocating for these funds. We are also asking for stories of economic loss due to the pandemic, some of which we intend to use in making our case to local officials.
You can help advocate with us by visiting our website to preview the letter and fill out a brief survey to indicate your support. Please forward this message and link to other artists or arts organizations who may be interested. We appreciate your participation!