Ventura College Foundation Provides $776,264 in Direct Student Support During 2021-2022 Academic Year

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VENTURA — Ventura College Foundation, a nonprofit organization that provides resources and financial assistance to Ventura College students and school programs, distributed $776,264 in direct student support during the 2021-2022 academic year and another $1.24 million to 68 Ventura College programs across 16 department and divisions.

Of the $776,264 in direct student support, $756,908 was in the form of scholarships. “The student scholarship distribution is our largest ever,” says Anne Paul King, Ventura College Foundation executive director. “A growing community donor based helped us reach the $1.24 million mark to support Ventura College programs.”

Over 1,400 students benefited directly from the foundation’s scholarships and textbook support including 240 students who were awarded 446 scholarships (some students won multiple scholarships). Nine new scholarships were introduced. Over 1,100 students checked out textbooks through the school’s lending library funded in part by the foundation.

According to Ventura College data, 52 percent of the college’s 10,000-student population is classified as extremely low-income or low-income. Last year, more than 2,300 students were served by the Ventura College Drive-Thru Pantry and another 859 students sought assistance at the Ventura College Basic Needs Office for food, housing and emergency expenses.

“Without the foundation’s help, many VC students would struggle as they try to keep up with their studies while facing severe economic challenges,” says King. “We at the foundation are constantly amazed at the drive and determination of these students to achieve their educational goals, regardless of the obstacles that might be in their path.”

In 2021, California community colleges received a one-time stimulus grant through the CARES Act and other federal funds to distribute to low-income students affected by the pandemic. “Moving forward, the need remains great,” says King. “Investing in our community colleges is possibly the best way for community members, regardless of their economic standing, to access higher education and take advantage of the life-long opportunities that education brings.”

To learn more about the Ventura College Foundation’s 2021-2022 Impact Report on student education, go to For more information about Ventura College Foundation donation opportunities, click on

Ventura College Foundation — Established in 1983, the Ventura College Foundation transforms students’ lives through education by providing innovative and vital resources and financial support.  The Foundation collaborates with Ventura College to enhance human potential, civic engagement, careers, and academic success of students enabling their effective impact and legacy on the college, local workforce, and our community. The Foundation also hosts the Ventura College Foundation Marketplace; an outdoor shopping experience held every weekend on the Ventura College campus. For more information, contact Julie Harvey at (805) 289-6502 or or visit