Vazquez joins board of Housing Opportunities Made Easier

Brianna Vazquez has joined the board of Housing Opportunities Made Easier (HOME), the Ventura-based organization reported Thursday in a media release.  Vazquez is a recent transplant from Seattle, Washington to the Ventura County area and joined Hamner, Jewell & Associates in 2011.  Since joining the firm, She has provided relocation assistance to numerous residential tenants, providing Spanish bilingual oral and written translations throughout the relocation process.

Vazquez has knowledge and experience with providing relocation assistance in accordance with State and Federal laws, and has proved to be a very effective relocation advisor, implementing complex projects that involve multiple public agencies, including housing authorities and Section 8 program coordination, the organization reported.

Vazquez is a member of Chapter 47 of the International Right of Way Association (IRWA) and has completed professional level relocation training offered by HUD and IRWA.  She has a passion for empowering the youth in her community and has joined the ranks of a Girl Scout volunteer, being one of the Committee members for “Descubre tu Communidad.”

She is eager to be an active participant in HOME and to lend a helping hand in making Ventura County affordable for all its citizens, the organization reported.

Housing Opportunities Made Easier (HOME) is an advocate for greater housing availability and affordability in Ventura County. The mission of HOME is to promote a diversity of housing opportunities which are essential for a healthy and sustainable quality of life in Ventura County.

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