The new 2021 study confirms that the Port of Hueneme continues to serve as a key source of economic activity in Ventura County,” said Oxnard Harbor District President, Mary Anne Rooney. “The Port is invaluable to our region due to the fact that we generate millions in state and local taxes that help fund vital public services such as education, police, fire services, and road improvements.”
The Port of Hueneme’s 84-year legacy as serving as a key driver and economic force in the region reaches new bounds as demonstrated by the 2021 data in the report. In fact, the $2.2 billion in trade related activity and 20,032 trade related jobs through the Port of Hueneme account for 4% of Ventura County’s total Gross Domestic Product and make up 6% of the County’s local workforce.
“In order to sustain this growth as an economic engine, it is critical that the Port continues to invest in terminal, rail, and highway access infrastructure to meet future demand, and to continue to attract tenants to stimulate further economic development in Southern California,” said John Martin, President of Martin Associates. “This suggests that the future growth of the Port will result in further job, income, and tax growth for the region.” |