University students organize holiday gift drive to benefit Casa Pacifica

Student Government at CSU Channel Islands has organized a holiday gift drive to benefit 430 children who are residents at Casa Pacifica in Camarillo.

Casa Pacifica provides a home, school and treatment facility for abused, neglected and severely emotionally disturbed children and adolescents from the tri-county area of Southern California.

Several years ago CI’s Student Government approached Casa Pacifica, CI’s Camarillo neighbor, asking to participate in the Kids’ Holiday Wish List program. Casa Pacifica commits to fulfilling this personalized wish list for all 430 residents so they are very dependent on the university’s and community’s generosity, university officials reported in a media release.

“CI’s President Rush is on our board of directors. We have partnered with CI students on projects over the years, such as tutoring some of our students. We value the partnership with the university and its generous support of our 430 students and their families,” Carrie Hughes, assistant director of development & public relations at Casa Pacifica, stated in the media release.

Katrina Newcomb, a Student Government senator, said that Student Government has received small, paper dove ornaments personalized by each child at Casa Pacifica.  Each ornament had the name of the child, his or her age and the gift desired. Student Government representatives then hung the dove ornaments on trees throughout the campus.

Students and the entire campus community were invited to select an ornament, purchase the requested gift and return it with the ornament taped to the gift so it could later be given to the correct child. Monetary gifts to purchase gifts were also accepted.  The gifts are scheduled to be delivered to Casa Pacifica on Dec. 14.