United Way Red Feather Ball Benefits Youth Education Programs

United Way of Santa Barbara County Red Feather Ball by Merryl Brown Events. Biltmore Coral Casino, Montecito, California. Photo: ©2018 Isaac Hernandez Herrero copyright

SANTA BARBARA — Fifth-grader Insharah quickly emerged as the star of the evening as local community leaders, philanthropists and residents sat down Oct. 5 for United Way of Santa Barbara County’s (UWSBC) 22nd Annual Red Feather Ball.

Insharah was one of the young focuses of a brief video showcased during the annual gala at the Four Seasons Biltmore Coral Casino in support of UWSBC’s youth education initiatives. Guests watched as Insharah, who was seated at the dinner along with her family, described on-screen a powerful summer at UWSBC’s award winning Fun in the Sun summer enrichment program, to cheers from the crowd.

Insharah’s father noted that during the program she developed confidence and a better ability to express herself. She also made crucial gains in her academic skills. In fact, by the end of the summer, Insharah described herself as a “living thesaurus”.

In all, UWSBC raised close to $250,000 for Fun in the Sun as well as the United for Literacy initiative to increase literacy skills and on-time graduation rates. Sporting black tie and cocktail attire, guests spent the evening sipping on wine and cocktails, participating in a curated silent auction, and enjoying dinner with friends and community members.

UWSBC also honored the Volentine Family Foundation as the 2018 Abercrombie Community Excellence Award winner for outstanding service and generosity within the Santa Barbara community.

“Over the last 15 years, the Volentine Family Foundation has helped transform the lives of thousands of students and families through their support of Fun in the Sun and United for Literacy,” said Steve Ortiz, President & CEO of United Way of Santa Barbara County. “We are honored to recognize the Volentine Family for its commitment to building better futures for children and families who need it most.”

Established in 1988 by late husband and wife Myatt and Genevieve Volentine, the foundation supports educational and vocational scholarships, youth services, rehabilitation and transitional services and activities that foster a stronger community. The Volentines retired in Santa Barbara but remained active in business and charitable and community organizations.

UWSBC would like to thank the following sponsors who made this evening possible: Red Feather sponsor Aera Energy; Gold Feather sponsors Kayne Anderson Rudnick, Montecito Bank & Trust, Maryan Schall, Mosher Foundation, and Santa Ynez Band of Chumash Indians Foundation; as well as AGIA Affinity Services, American Indian Health & Services, City National Bank, and Volentine Family Foundation.

United Way of Santa Barbara County: United Way of Santa Barbara County (UWSBC) has the unique and positive vision that “in our community, everyone has a hopeful future.” Since 1923, UWSBC has served Santa Barbara County community through funding, volunteer development, and by utilizing its own unique initiatives that involve dozens of local non-profit and public sector agencies. UWSBC’s local community driven Power of Partnership™ priorities help children, families & seniors with a focus on Education, Income and Health.